Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Capcom x Microsoft?

So a couple days ago, there was a big deal about this "CAPCOM x Microsoft" thing. There were many speculations left and right on what it could possibly be. Some thought maybe a cross over game like Capcom Vs. Microsoft, like the Capcom Vs. SNK games we've seen or Marvel Vs. Capcom. Cept with um... Master Chief and... That other guy.... Yeah.

Others thought maybe a shooter with the likes of Megaman, Master Chief, our favorite Resident Evil characters and so on. There were many different ideas but in the end most people thought it'd be a brand new game with the two companies collaborating. It's what I expected the most, to be honest.

Well since that's all old news, they announced it yesterday. It ended up being "Monster Hunter Fronter". A Massively Multiplayer Online Action Role Playing Game (Next time I'll just type out MMOARPG, even that felt long enough). Although I do enjoy the MH series as I've been playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, I can't help but be a bit disappointed by that announcement.

Here's why : MHF has been around since 07' in Japan and Korea. They never released it here in the US or anywhere else to be exact. It looks great and I still want to play it but I think they somewhat over-hyped the whole thing with that countdown and big scheduled announcement. We still haven't gotten Monster Hunter Tri or anything (should be coming out this April) and don't even know IF there will ever be a MHF for the 360 over here. I'm pretty sure it will eventually come out over here but who knows how long that'll take.

It just seems that companies are using that countdown thing for just about anything now. Am I happy with the announcement of MHF for the 360? Sure, I'm going to be playing the hell out of it one day. I just think that Capcom should save those big announcements for actual new games instead of for the same old rehashed games they've been making lately. It'd be nice to see something new from them a part from the countless sequels, spinoffs and remakes.

There you have it for my first post!


1 comment:

shadowpikachu said...

too strange of a combo